"And we are verily those who declare (Allah's) glory!"
And we are indeed the ones ˹constantly˺ glorifying ˹His praise˺.”
and we are those who glorify God."
We glorify God
And we are most surely they who declare the glory (of Allah)
And we are the ones who glorify.
We are those who glorify [God].
surely, we are those who glorify (Allah).”
Truly we are those who glorify
And we are the praisers.”
And we are the glorifiers.'
And verily we, indeed we are those who glorify.
and we are surely those who declare His glory."
And surely we, indeed we, are the extollers (of Allah)."
and we glorify God"
and We, surely We, are those who proclaim Allah‘s purity
And, verily, we, yes we are they who strive to establish His Glory on earth. ('Sabh' = Swim with long and strong laps and strides. It is not the rolling of the rosary-beads or to hymn some words)
"We, too, (extol His glory and) chant His praises!"
"And surely we are those who speak out (Allah’s Supreme) Glory!"
And indeed, we are those who exalt Allah ."
And we are the ones that glorify.
We glorify God.’
And verily we! we halloW
And we are those who sing hallelujas to Him."
We are those who glorify.´
"And most certainly we are the ones glorifying Him (declaring Him to be above having any defects and partners)."
Indeed it is we who are those who celebrate Allah’s glory.’
"Verily, we, even we, are they who declare the glory (of Allah)."
and we are certainly those who glorify (God).”
“And we are indeed those who declare God's glory.
and we glorify Allah.
and we are of those who glorify Allah."
"And we are the ones that glorify."
And we do indeed certainly glorify Him
And undoubtedly, we glorify Him.
We have duly glorified (our Lord).
And we are they who exalt (Allah).
And surely they used to say
And that We, We are (E) the praising/glorifying
We are the ranged servant and the glorifiers of God”
“And indeed we are those who say His purity.”
And we, verily, are those who glorify ALLAH.
And surely, we ourselves remain engaged in glorifying (Allah).
`Verily, we are the ones who glorify Him (and sing His praise)
Verily, we (angels), we are they who glorify (Allahs Praises i.e. perform prayers)
we are they that give glory
and we celebrate the divine praise
verily, we celebrate His praises
And we celebrate His praises."
and we are they that give glory
And truly we surely are those who glorify Allah.”
And we indeed hymn His praise.”
And We are the ones who glorify.
We are truly those who declare glory.”
And we are indeed those who exalt God.”
We are those who glorify [Allah (God)].
And surely, we are the glorifiers. (For Allah).”
and we too extol His limitless glory.
“Indeed, it is us, yes us, who engage in taspih (effectuate their servitude by fulfilling their functions).”
And verily we are they who celebrate His glory.
"And it is We who constantly celebrate the praises of Allah and adore His Eternal Name, express our feelings of warm adoration and extol His glorious attributes"
and we are certainly those who glorify.
And indeed we, surely we are those who glorify.
"And we are verily those who declare (God's) glory!"
And indeed, we surely, [we] glorify (Allah).
Wa-inna lanahnu almusabbihoona
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